A joint approach to SUmmer for all

BY INTEGRATING AND EXPANDING Two proven MODELS, WE CAN ENSURE EVERY YOUNG PERSON has access to high quality summer experiences.

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Summer learning

Since 2010 Boston’s summer learning model has made the entire city a classroom, offering Boston youth access to the city’s best natural, cultural, and neighborhood resources and growth experiences that would not otherwise have been available. Boston Beyond has mobilized and scaled partnerships among the Boston Public Schools, the Mayor’s office, and a rich network of community organizations to engage more than 47,000 Boston students in high quality summer learning that supports year-round academic and social-emotional growth. With a focus on cross-cutting skills and consistent measurement, this effort transitioned summer school to summer learning, and impacted 14,000 students in summer 2019.

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Summer jobs

For 40 years the PIC has brokered private sector employment opportunities for generations of Boston teenagers, creating work and learning opportunities in key industries. Working with 130 leading companies it developed one of the largest private sector summer youth employment programs in the country, brokering 3,693 summer jobs for teens in summer 2018 part of Mayor Walsh’s effort that reaches 10,000 youth. The PIC also led the creation of the innovative state “connecting activities” fund, which supports the state’s workforce boards to broker and expand youth employment in cities across Massachusetts.

“We see the benefits of this program here in Boston. We see the potential. I invite the business community, higher education, and philanthropy to help us ensure that every child has access to high quality learning all year round.”

— Mayor Martin J. Walsh